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Meet the COMP 491 Senior Design Team!

Our team has spent a whole year working on the creation of a platform that would be capable of providing real-time data streaming and statistics for traffic data with the pillars of focus being on the machine learning training model, data collection, front and backend development, and data analysis. Special thanks to our stakeholders and collaborators!!

Left to right: Alondra Gonzalez, Icess Nisce, Matthew Davis, Javier Carranza, Brian Uribe

Icess Nisce

3D Vehicle Detection

Hi, I'm Icess. I'm an undegraduate senior majoring in Computer Science, with interests in machine learning, AI, AR/VR, web development and design. My role in the Real-Time Traffic Monitoring Project involves the development of the 3D vehicle detection model and real-time streaming capabilities of the system.

Matthew Davis

2D Vehicle Detection

My name is Matthew Davis. I am a 22 year old CSUN student working towards a bachelor’s in Computer Science. My work within the Real-Time Traffic Monitoring group has solely revolved around designing the model for 2D object detection.

Javier Carranza

Web Development/Data Visualization

Hello, I'm Javier pursuing a bachelor's in computer science. My main role in the project is to help make progress on the RTTM website and was the one behind the charts that display the real-time data coming from the cameras connected to our system.

Brian Uribe

Web Development/Design

Hello! My name is Brian and I am a senior pursuing a bachelor's in computer science. I helped work on the backend of the RTTM website and was the one behind the video players that display the real-time video feed coming from the cameras connected to our system.

Alondra Gonzalez

Data Acquisition

Hi, my name is Alondra, senior in computer science and my main role was to focus on the aquisition of 3D data using the Velodyne Ultra Puck, and the acquisition of 2D data using the Intel RealSense Depth Camera. I also helped design the class website and connecting AWS Kinesis video streams for our 2D data.